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Shocking footage of

페이지 정보

작성자 paugshot

작성일23-12-10 19:51

제 목Shocking footage of


상 태 ????


Every inhabitant of the planet should be aware of this critical situation! Get a glimpse of the real picture of the war in Ukraine. Witness the battles firsthand. Discover: How territories are cleared from the enemy. How drones drop explosives on soldiers, bunkers, and military tanks. How kamikaze drones destroy vehicles and buildings. Tank firing on infantry and military machinery. This is unique content that won't be shown on TV. Please help us spread this information by subscribing to our channel, and if possible, recommend our videos to your friends. Your support means a lot to us! Link to Channel: https://t.me/+PhiArK2oSvU4N2Iy


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